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Manejo De Pasturas Jorge Carrillo Pdf 11

You could also use the `make` task, as discussed in the previous chapter. If you want to build all of the specified recipes, you could create a file containing all the recipes, and run `make` on that file. To make that file, add `make.recipe.file` to the `MAKEFILE` variable in the `MANEJO` environment, like so: Makefile { ... all: **-make.recipe.file=/var/lib/xenoblade-chapters/manejo.recipe** } The recipe file would need to be in the `/var/lib/xenoblade-chapters` directory, and its contents would resemble the following example: cookbook 'program:recipe-name' do provider Chef source cookbooks/recipe-name mode :manual cookbook_name :xenoblade recipe_name :program version :2 deploy_mode :auto service_name :program deploy_path '/usr/bin' end ## Credentials If you're deploying to AWS, you can use the recipe's `credential_type` parameter to specify AWS credentials for your deployments. The following recipe shows an example recipe that uses `aws` credentials. Here we'll be deploying a `foo` image, which runs a `bar` command on an AWS instance. credential_type :aws

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